Engage, Serve and Retain Your Customers with zOrder Loyalty

A must have tool integrated with the billing software for retail shops to run various promotional activities to acquire and retain your customers also delight them with rewarding scheme .

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customer loyalty software

Stay loyal with your customers

CRM Software
Customer loyalty schemes and coupons

Customized Loyalty Schemes

Effectively engage customers and encourage repeat business with the help of schemes such as point accumulation, buy more get more, instant discounts, and etc. These schemes can be customized within the retail ERP software to fit according needs & preferences of the business and its customers

Customer Data Analysis

A well-designed Loyalty program software dashboard displays various types of customer behaviour information, like geographic location, purchase value, footfall analysis, conversion ratio, and other important metrics. It enables users to filter and drill down into the data to acquire deeper insights.

Birthday and Anniversary Coupons

To strengthen relationships and delight customers, CRM in retail allows you to offer birthday and anniversary coupons. It could also help to foster a stronger relationship with your customers, as they will likely feel valued and appreciated and It can also increase repeat business and customer loyalty.

Retail Management Software
Customer points and retention

Customer Retention Policy

Retain existing customers by identifying different segments of customers based on their purchase history such as frequent customers, less-frequent customers and one-time buyers. Bring them back to your store by offering certain coupons, or just by sending a hello message.

SMS and Email Notifications

Build brand loyalty by informing your customers of every transactional event via SMS and email to keep them updated. Send relevant and valuable information to customers to avoid spamming them and potentially damaging the relationship.

Analyse Loyalty Reports on the Go

Take all the reports related to Loyalty program on the go through web-apps which can be easily viewed on laptops, tablets, mobiles or any other device. You can get various reports like Customer’s Purchase History, Redeemable points, Point Ledger etc.

Points Redemption through OTP

An OTP for point redemption in a loyalty program secures it and added an extra layer of security to ensure that only the actual customer would redeem their earned points. The customer would get an OTP each time he/she wants to redeem the points.

Trusted by 500+ Organizations

zOrder Enterpriser has such a powerful foundation that it can easily be adapted to different contexts and requirements. It is simple to build on, with features that are simple to expand and customize, and efficient to run your business.

Mandeep sign
Mandeep sign

The ERP software offered by zOrder is a full featured application which is easy to use, easy to maintain and easy to escalate as business grows. We are using seamless integration with our eCommerce portal with the POS software with the help of its dedicated API integrations.

Rajiv Sethi
Rajiv Sethi

We believe in technology since our inception, we were in the search of a software company who can take our ideas to the ground and implement the same into our business. We find zOrderERP very capable to accomplish the same.

Yatin Jain
Yatin Jain

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Frequently Asked Questions.

In a competitive business landscape, customer loyalty management has emerged as a strategic approach to nurturing and retaining customers. It encompasses businesses' strategies, processes, and technologies to engage and build lasting customer relationships. Customer loyalty management aims to enhance customer satisfaction, encourage repeat purchases, and transform customers into brand advocates.

Loyalty management software is a technology-driven solution to streamline and optimize loyalty programs. These programs are tailored initiatives that incentivize customers to choose a specific brand repeatedly by offering rewards, discounts, or exclusive perks. The software is a centralized platform for businesses to effectively design, implement, and track loyalty programs.

In an era where customers are spoiled for choices, building brand loyalty is paramount for businesses across industries. Here's why loyalty management holds significant importance:

1. Repeat Business: Customer retention is more cost-effective than acquiring new customers. A well-executed loyalty program encourages repeat purchases, boosting revenue without the need for extensive marketing efforts.

2.Enhanced Customer Engagement: Loyalty programs provide a platform for consistent customer interaction. This engagement fosters a sense of belonging and emotional connection, contributing to long-term loyalty.

3. Competitive Edge: A robust loyalty program differentiates your brand from competitors. Customers are more likely to choose a brand that offers additional value through rewards and incentives.

4. Brand Advocacy: Satisfied customers are more inclined to recommend your brand to others. Loyalty programs turn customers into advocates, extending your brand's reach through word-of-mouth marketing.

A well-designed loyalty management program can work wonders for your business. Let's explore how it contributes to your success:

1. Customer Data Insights: Loyalty programs collect valuable customer data that can be analyzed to gain insights into purchasing behavior, preferences, and trends. This information informs marketing strategies and product offerings.

2.Personalization:Armed with customer data, businesses can personalize their offerings to match individual tastes. Tailored rewards and incentives create a sense of exclusivity and resonate with customers.

3. Customer Retention: Loyalty programs foster a sense of commitment and attachment. Customers are less likely to switch to competitors if they have invested time and loyalty in your brand.

4. Upselling and Cross-selling: Businesses can identify opportunities for upselling or cross-selling by analyzing purchase history. Loyalty members are more receptive to suggestions that enhance their experience.

Effective loyalty management software offers a range of features that empower businesses to create successful loyalty programs. Some standard features include:

1. Rewards Catalog: A comprehensive catalog of rewards and incentives customers can earn by engaging with the brand.

2.Points System: A points-based system where customers accumulate points with each purchase, which can later be redeemed for rewards.

3. Tiered Programs: Loyalty programs often have tiered structures, offering higher rewards and benefits as customers advance through different tiers.

4. Mobile Integration: Loyalty programs are increasingly accessible through mobile apps, allowing customers to track their points, rewards, and activities on the go.

5. Data Analytics: Robust analytics tools provide insights into customer behavior, helping businesses refine their loyalty strategies.

1. Increased Customer Lifetime Value: Loyal customers tend to spend more over their lifetime, leading to a higher customer lifetime value (CLV) for your business.

2.Reduced Churn: A loyalty program reduces the likelihood of customers switching to competitors, minimizing churn rates and maintaining a stable customer base.

3. Word-of-Mouth Marketing: Satisfied loyalty program members become brand advocates, spreading positive word-of-mouth and attracting new customers.

4. Improved Brand Perception: Effective loyalty programs enhance brand perception, positioning your business as customer-centric and attentive to their needs.

Loyalty programs offer numerous benefits, but it's essential to consider potential disadvantages as well:


1. Customer Retention: Loyalty programs keep customers engaged and loyal to your brand, reducing churn rates.

2.Increased Sales: Repeat purchases and upselling opportunities result in increased sales revenue.

3. Brand Advocacy: Loyal customers become brand advocates, promoting your business through word-of-mouth.


1. Costs: Implementing and managing a loyalty program incurs rewards and software expenses.

2.Perceived Complexity: Complex loyalty programs can deter customers if they find it challenging to understand and navigate.

3. Over-reliance on Discounts: Customers may become conditioned to expect discounts over time, affecting margins.

The retail industry has embraced customer loyalty programs as a powerful tool for customer engagement. Retailers leverage these programs to foster brand loyalty, reward frequent shoppers, and gather data for personalized marketing campaigns. From point-based systems to tiered memberships, retail loyalty programs come in various forms, each designed to cater to customer preferences.

Customer loyalty programs aren't exclusive to large enterprises. Small businesses can benefit significantly from loyalty programs tailored to their scale. A well-designed loyalty program for small businesses can level the playing field by attracting and retaining customers who value the personalized experience offered by local establishments.

Choosing the best customer retention software depends on your business's needs and goals. Assessing features, scalability, ease of integration, and user-friendliness is essential. Several software providers offer effective customer retention solutions, including customizable loyalty management platforms.

When selecting a loyalty management platform provider, consider customization options, analytics capabilities, and customer support. Some notable platform providers include [Provider Names], renowned for their expertise in delivering tailored loyalty solutions.

Measuring the success of loyalty software adoption involves tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) related to the program's goals. Some KPIs to monitor include:

1. Customer retention rates.

2. Average order value.

3. Customer acquisition cost.

4. The growth of your loyalty member base.

By analyzing these metrics, businesses can gauge the effectiveness of their loyalty initiatives and make data-driven improvements. In conclusion, loyalty management systems have evolved into powerful tools for enhancing customer engagement and driving business growth. Leveraging loyalty programs allows businesses to retain customers and transform them into enthusiastic brand advocates. By understanding the nuances of loyalty management software, its features, advantages, and potential disadvantages, businesses can create impactful loyalty programs that resonate with customers and foster long-term relationships.