Inventory Management Software for Businesses

For Accurate Count.

For Stock Ageing.

For Inventory Turnover.

The Most Promising inventory management software to control your business by knowing top-selling items, stock age, and turnover ratio. It helps industries to make quick decisions for higher returns with its powerful procurement.

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inventory management software

Inventory management software for retail, wholesale & manufacturing in India.

Inventory management software for retail
Easily manage your inventory

All-in-one solution for organizations

The features of zOrder inventory management software provide you an all-in-one solution to get real-time detailed inventory view. Manage inventory while on the go and make quick decisions for higher returns with dynamic reporting system and keep your business running smoothly and efficiently.

Leverage the power of zOrder inventory management software

Inventory management software for retail is our one of the major service. The solution would empower retail business owner to achieve their individual futuristic goals.

Retail Sale
Blend multi-channel inventory

Integrate inventory of retail & e-Commerce stores

Integrate your online platforms like Shopify & offline stores to manage your multi-channel inventory effortlessly with e-CommPilot app. Fulfil online orders with nearest showrooms and delight customers with fast order shipment.

Inventory management software for retail

zOrder inventory management software for retail in Delhi, India is one of the best solution for retail industry. Which enables complete centralise control over multi-location & multi-channel inventory.

Retail software solution for organizations

zorder inventory management software for retail in delhi, india is one of the best solution for retail industry. which enables complete centralise control over multi-location & multi-channel inventory.

Inventory management software 1

Supply Chain

Automate supply-chain process easily with the Next Gen module to reduce all the challenges.

  • Easily manage you Multi-Store transactions with Stock Transfer Module, with an option to get Goods-In-Transit, receive goods by scanning, forwarding to another branch

  • Data is automatically synchronized at a central location, making it easy to generate comparative reports.

Inventory management software 2


Manage all the wholesale processes hassle-free and easily from order to replenishment.

  • A complete workaround for wholesalers, starting from Buyer’s orders, Pre-Packing Slips.

  • Also Performa and Invoice, one-to-one Credit Notes, Customer Profiling and Credit Limits and more.

Inventory management software 3

Job work

Track all the job-works and control job-workers according to the effectiveness.

  • Get simple job work done on existing goods or received from the customer through an alteration order.

  • You can also add values to the goods after job work. Get all reports related to Job work and Job-worker instantly.

Inventory management software 4

Stock Audit

Stay in close with the inventory levels to know the actual picture of your inventory.

  • The integrated Stock-Audit module allows you to compare your physical inventory with your computer inventory

  • You can quickly identify any shortages or excesses in few clicks of buttons.

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Stay relaxed the solution will take care all the procurement process.

  • Control your inventory purchases with strategically designed purchase orders, PO settlement in invoices, box coding, margin and pricing rules, and support for EAN and PT files.

  • Also you will get returns that are automatically consolidated and reports on supplier performance.

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Get complete insights of your inventory and know what is trending or obsolete.

  • Get complete insights about the inventory through various user-defined reports such as stock-ageing, stock-movement, stock-ledger, closing stock with goods in transit, price-band wise stock and many-many more.

  • Analyse your business easily with dynamic and image-wise insightful reports and plan accordingly.

Trusted by 500+ Organizations

zOrder Enterpriser has such a powerful foundation that it can easily be adapted to different contexts and requirements. It is simple to build on, with features that are simple to expand and customize, and efficient to run your business.

Mandeep sign
Mandeep sign

The ERP software offered by zOrder is a full featured application which is easy to use, easy to maintain and easy to escalate as business grows. We are using seamless integration with our eCommerce portal with the POS software with the help of its dedicated API integrations.

Rajiv Sethi
Rajiv Sethi

We believe in technology since our inception, we were in the search of a software company who can take our ideas to the ground and implement the same into our business. We find zOrderERP very capable to accomplish the same.

Yatin Jain
Yatin Jain

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Frequently Asked Questions.

Inventory Management Software is a specialised digital solution designed to simplify and automate the tracking, monitoring, and optimising of a company's inventory levels. It seamlessly empowers businesses to manage their stocks, orders, sales, and distribution channels from a centralised platform. This sophisticated software streamlines inventory-related tasks, such as order processing, stock replenishment, and demand forecasting, all in real time.

1. Real-Time Inventory Tracking: One of the most critical features of inventory management software is its ability to provide real-time tracking of inventory levels. This feature ensures that businesses always have an accurate and up-to-date view of their stock, allowing them to make informed decisions regarding reordering, avoiding stockouts, and optimising inventory turnover.

2.Automated Inventory Alerts: Inventory management software can be set up to send automatic alerts when stock levels reach predefined thresholds. These alerts help businesses stay proactive by notifying them about low inventory levels, potential stockouts, or excess stock, enabling timely replenishment and preventing potential disruptions to the supply chain.

3. Order Management: Efficient order management is a crucial aspect of inventory control. With inventory management software, businesses can streamline their order processing by automating tasks such as order tracking, status updates, and invoicing. This feature improves order accuracy and enhances customer satisfaction through faster order fulfilment.

4. Barcode and RFID Integration: Integrating barcode and RFID technology with inventory management software simplifies tracking and managing inventory. By using barcode scanners or RFID readers, businesses can quickly identify and locate products, eliminating the need for manual data entry and reducing the chances of errors.

5. Inventory Optimization: Inventory management software often comes with advanced analytics and forecasting tools that help businesses optimise their inventory levels. The software can suggest the ideal reorder points and quantities by analysing historical data and sales trends, ensuring that companies maintain optimal stock levels while minimising holding costs.

6. Multi-Location Support: The multi-location support feature is invaluable for businesses operating in multiple locations or with multiple warehouses. This capability enables central inventory management across various sites, providing a consolidated view of stock levels and simplifying inter-location transfers.

7. Integration with E-commerce Platforms: For businesses engaged in online retail, integrating inventory management software with e-commerce platforms is essential. This integration facilitates the automatic updating of stock levels across different sales channels, preventing overselling and enhancing the overall customer experience.

8. Reporting and Analytics: Comprehensive reporting and analytics tools are essential components of inventory management software. These features enable businesses to gain valuable insights into their inventory performance, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions to optimise their inventory operations further.

9. Batch and Expiry Tracking: For industries dealing with perishable or time-sensitive products, batch, and expiry tracking is a critical feature of inventory management software. This functionality allows businesses to monitor the shelf life of products, track production batches, and ensure that older inventory is sold or used before newer stock, reducing the risk of product obsolescence and wastage.

10. Supplier Management: Maintaining solid supplier relationships is essential for a smooth supply chain. Inventory management software often includes supplier management features that help businesses keep track of supplier details, lead times, and performance metrics. With this feature, companies can identify reliable suppliers, negotiate better terms, and ensure timely deliveries, ultimately enhancing overall operational efficiency.

11. Demand Forecasting: Accurate demand forecasting is essential to prevent overstocking or understocking situations. Advanced inventory management software uses historical sales data, market trends, and seasonality patterns to generate accurate demand forecasts. With this information, businesses can adjust their inventory levels accordingly, aligning stock levels with anticipated customer demand.

12. Integration with Accounting Software: Integrating inventory management software with accounting systems streamlines financial processes by automatically updating inventory-related transactions such as purchases, sales, and cost of goods sold. This seamless integration saves time on manual data entry, ensures accuracy in financial reporting, and provides a comprehensive view of business finances.

13. Mobile Accessibility: Modern inventory management software often offers mobile applications or responsive web interfaces, enabling users to access vital inventory information on the go. This mobile accessibility empowers businesses to make informed decisions and respond quickly to inventory-related issues, regardless of physical location.

14. Security and Data Backup: Given the sensitive nature of inventory data, robust security features are essential in inventory management software. Top-tier solutions offer secure user authentication, data encryption, and role-based access control to protect against unauthorised access. Additionally, automatic data backup and recovery features safeguard valuable inventory data from unexpected loss or system failures.

15. Scalability and Customization: As businesses grow and their inventory needs evolve, inventory management software should be scalable to accommodate changing requirements. Additionally, customisation options allow companies to tailor the software to their specific workflows and industry demands, ensuring more seamless integration into existing processes.

1. Enhanced Inventory Control: Inventory management software provides real-time tracking of stock levels, allowing businesses to monitor inventory movement accurately. With automated notifications, stockouts and overstocking can be minimised, ensuring that products are always available when customers need them. Companies can reduce carrying costs, increase turnover rates, and improve overall cash flow by optimising stock levels.

2.Increased Efficiency: Gone are the days of tedious manual inventory counts and spreadsheet updates. Inventory management software automates tasks such as order processing, stock replenishment, and data entry. This automation saves time and reduces the risk of human errors, leading to more efficient operations.

3. Demand Forecasting and Planning: Inventory management software can accurately analyse historical sales data to predict future demand patterns. With these insights, businesses can make informed decisions on procurement and production, avoiding excess inventory and minimising stockouts. This capability ensures that the right products are available at the right time, meeting customer demands and enhancing customer satisfaction.

4. Cost Savings: Inventory management software can significantly reduce costs associated with inventory management. By eliminating the need for excessive safety stock, storage expenses are minimised. Optimised inventory levels lead to reduced holding and carrying costs. Efficient order processing and inventory tracking can result in lower labour costs and better utilisation of human resources.

5. Data-Driven Decision Making: Inventory management software generates comprehensive reports and analytics, providing valuable insights into inventory turnover, sales trends, and supplier performance. With this data, businesses can make informed decisions to optimise their supply chain, identify top-performing products, and streamline operations.

6. Improved Accuracy in Stock Valuation: Accurate stock valuation is critical for financial reporting and tax purposes. Inventory management software automatically updates inventory levels in real-time, ensuring precise stock valuation. This feature helps businesses maintain accurate financial records and comply with accounting standards more effectively.

7. Better Customer Service: Efficient inventory management translates into improved customer service. With the ability to fulfil orders promptly and accurately, businesses can meet customer demands on time, resulting in higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.

8. Integration and Scalability: One of the significant advantages of modern inventory management software is its compatibility with various business systems. Most IMS solutions seamlessly integrate with other crucial business tools like accounting software, customer relationship management (CRM) systems, and e-commerce platforms. This integration streamlines workflows and eliminates data silos, providing a holistic view of the business's operations. Furthermore, inventory management software is often scalable, accommodating the needs of growing companies without requiring a complete overhaul of the system.

9. Compliance and Regulatory Adherence: Inventory management software can be a lifesaver for businesses operating in industries with stringent regulations. It helps maintain compliance with industry standards, traceability requirements, and product expiry regulations. By automating record-keeping and documentation, businesses can demonstrate transparency and adherence to necessary compliance protocols during audits.

10. Inventory Optimization and Turnover: Inventory management software empowers businesses to analyse historical sales data and identify slow-moving or obsolete stock. With this information, companies can make informed decisions on discounts, promotions, or liquidations to optimise inventory turnover. Reducing the amount of dead stock frees up valuable warehouse space and capital, allowing businesses to invest in more profitable items.

11. Supply Chain Visibility: Modern businesses often have complex supply chains that span multiple locations and suppliers. Inventory management software provides real-time visibility into the supply chain, enabling companies to track inventory movement from the manufacturer to the end customer. This visibility facilitates proactive decision-making, as potential bottlenecks or delays can be identified and addressed promptly.

12. Mobile Access and Remote Management: With the increasing prevalence of remote work and on-the-go business operations, inventory management software with mobile access becomes indispensable. Such software allows authorised personnel to monitor inventory levels, process orders, and manage stock remotely through smartphones or tablets. This flexibility enhances collaboration and decision-making even when teams are dispersed geographically.

13. Inventory Tracking and Loss Prevention: Inventory shrinkage due to theft, errors, or misplacement can significantly impact a business's bottom line. Inventory management software with barcode scanning and RFID capabilities can substantially enhance tracking accuracy, reducing instances of loss. The software's real-time tracking also lets businesses pinpoint issues quickly, preventing further losses and ensuring better inventory control.

Efficient inventory management is crucial to maintain seamless operations, reduce costs, and optimise productivity. Selecting the perfect inventory management software requires careful consideration and evaluation. This guide will walk you through the essential factors to consider when choosing the ideal inventory management software for your business needs.

1. Assess Your Business Requirements: efore diving into the vast sea of inventory management software, thoroughly evaluating your business requirements is essential. Consider factors such as the size of your business, the volume of inventory, the number of locations, and the complexity of your supply chain. Identifying your specific needs will help you narrow down the options and find software that aligns perfectly with your operations.

2.Inventory Tracking Features: A robust inventory management system should offer comprehensive tracking capabilities. Look for software that allows you to monitor your stock levels in real-time, provides visibility into stock movement, and enables easy tracking of inbound and outbound shipments. Ideally, the software should provide alerts for low stock levels and offer insights into fast-moving and slow-moving items.

3. User-Friendly Interface: A user-friendly interface is essential for successfully adopting any software. Your inventory management software should be easy to navigate and understand for all team members. Conduct demos or trials of the software to assess its usability and ensure that your employees can adapt to it without significant hurdles.

4. Mobile Accessibility: In today's fast-paced business environment, accessing inventory data online is becoming increasingly important. Look for inventory management software that offers mobile apps or responsive web interfaces, allowing you to manage your inventory remotely from any device.

5. Scalability and Customization: Your business is likely to grow, and your inventory management software should grow. Choose a scalable solution that can accommodate your business expansion and evolving needs. Additionally, check if the software allows for customisation, so you can tailor it to match your unique workflows and requirements.

6. Security and Data Protection: Since inventory management software deals with sensitive business data, security is of utmost importance. Opt for software with robust security features like data encryption, user access controls, and regular data backups. Ensure that the software provider complies with industry security standards to protect your valuable information.

7. Customer Support and Training: Implementing new software can challenge your team. Look for a software provider that offers comprehensive customer support, including training and onboarding assistance. A dedicated support team can help your employees get up to speed quickly and efficiently.

In conclusion, when considering ERP software in India for your inventory management needs, Zorder stands out as an exceptional choice with many benefits. With its robust and user-friendly interface, Zorder streamlines your inventory control processes, allowing you to efficiently manage stock levels, track products, and optimise supply chain operations.